The Centro Médico San Sebastian
San Sebastian Medical Center specializes in imaging procedures in case of injury or illness, nursing, family medicine, laboratory testing, and aesthetic medicine, which is now being perfected by Dr. Mommertz.
It offers the best medical care for complete rehabilitation in the Department of Emergency Medicine, which is composed of specialists in traumatology, rehabilitation, physical medicine and physiotherapy.
In aesthetic medicine, Centro Medico focuses its attention on:
▫️ Hyaluronic acid fillers
▫️ Aesthetic varicose vein removal
▫️ Facial Rejuvenation
▫️Various hair treatments
▫️ Mesotherapy, Face/Body
▫️ Pressure therapy
▫️ Lymphatic drainage
▫️ Laser
▫️ Microblading with previous pencil design and free 30-day review.
In addition to the specialties already mentioned, you can also get medical help in cardiology, general surgery, dermatology, endocrinology, gynecology and several others.
For more information feel free to visit the website of the Centro Médico San Sebastian.