Mommertz Health - your expert in health at the costa de la luz

We are happy to make your vacation on the Costa de la Luz even more beautiful and unforgettable.

+49 163 243 58 77
C. Entorno de Doñana 2, Conil de la Frontera

Monday - Friday 10 am - 06 pm

Saturday & Sunday - Closed

+ 49 163 243 58 77

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Our locations

Our 5 locations in andalusia

Dr. Mommertz has been available to you at five locations in Andalusia since mid-2023. In addition to the already well-known Centro Medico San Sebastian in Conil de la Frontera, the Viamed locations in Chiclana and Novo Sancti Petri, the Centro Medico Lebrija in Seville and the 21st Century Medical Institute in Jerez de la Frontera are now also available for treatment.

You can find Dr. Mommertz at the following, fixed times at the respective locations:

  • Monday 09:00-13:00h in Seville
  • Monday 14:00-18:00h in Sanlucar de Barrameda
  • Tuesday 14:00-18:00h in Jerez
  • Wednesday 09:00-13:00h in Novo Sancti Petri
  • Friday 09:00-13:00h in Chiclana

Also, please feel free to make an appointment at any of the above locations at any time. Feel free to use our contact form, or write us an email

You are also welcome to contact us at any time with questions and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.


Conil de la Frontera – Centro Medico
Novo Sancti Petri – Viamed
Chiclana – Viamed
21st Century Medical Institute – Jerez
Centro Medico Lebrija – Sevilla
Avanza Clínica – Sanlucar de Barrameda


Below you will find a brief overview of the locations, as well as the services offered:

Lebrija Centro Medico

Mommertz Health is also now serving you at a new location in Seville. Mommertz Health is now also available at a new location in Seville.Feel free to visit us on Monday mornings at Centro Medico Lebrija, or make an appointment at, or via our contact form.

Centro Medico San Sebastian

At Centro Medico in Conil, Dr. Mommertz will be happy to assist you. Please feel free to visit us by appointment at Centro Medico San Sebastian in Conil. Feel free to make an appointment at, or via our contact form.


Viamed hospital

Dr. Mommertz is happy to serve you at the Viamed hospitals in Chiclana and Novo Sancti Petri. Feel free to visit us on Wednesday mornings in Novo Sancti Petri or on Friday mornings in Chiclana. Or feel free to make an appointment at, or via our contact form.


21st Century Medical Institute

Dr. Mommertz is happy to serve you at 21st Century Medical Institute in Jerez de la Frontera. Feel free to visit us in Jerez on Tuesday afternoon. Or feel free to make an appointment at, or via our contact form.



Avanza Clínica

Dr. Mommertz will be happy to assist you at the Avanza Clínica in Sanlucar de Barrameda. You are welcome to visit us on Monday afternoons in Sanlucar. Or feel free to make an appointment at, or via our contact form.